Democracy Simulation

Democracy and encouragement are fundamental features of any modern society. This project aims to support future democratic participation by building a web-based simulation tool in the form of a game. Each player acts as a local government representative, implementing local laws as they see fit, and thereby learning about participation issues and democratic choices.

The simulation will provide a safe environment for players to learn and experiment, and is based on a novel, sophisticated mathematical theory that allows us to simulate parts of the population, including their various political interests and other variables (e.g. health, status, education) and their interactions with the government and other players.

AI Support Staff

The players will be supported by a new and highly innovative AI nudge system, able to mediate conflict and to identify stable coalitions & fair outcomes. A semantic learning framework will generate events to connect players with each other, which will allow players to shape policy decisions that do not directly affect their own playable experience.


Want to learn more?

Feel free to get in touch with the team and we can tell you all about Mayor Mayhem.


Brain Health Awareness

